Get Home Quicker

With large numbers of customers returning from their Easter break this week, I Love meet and greet has provided some helpful tips to make your return journey home even easier.
“Coming home may not have the anticipation and excitement of the outbound trip but we all want to get home as quickly as possible”, explains Sarah Anglim, founder and managing director of I love meet and greet, “The convenience of being able to walk out of the terminal and collect your car on the forecourt makes meet and greet the quickest way home.”
I Love meet and greet is often asked why we ask customers to call when they have collected their luggage and passed through all the passport checks. Although I Love meet and greet can monitor the arrival of flights, we obviously do not know whether the customer is on their flight, so a phone call confirms their arrival.
Secondly, we know that customers can take very different amounts of time to disembark, have their passport checked and collect their luggage. Variables such as the size of party travelling, the amount of luggage and the mobility of the customer all affect how long it can take to get from the plane to the arrivals hall. By calling us, the customer signals that they are ready to collect their car and we can then arrange for the vehicle to be driven to the airport.
Even then we are subject to a wide variety of circumstances such as local traffic conditions (which can be affected by incidents many miles away on the motorway), delayed flights and even customers arriving early. Fortunately, our highly skilled and experienced shift supervisors are able to manage the level of manpower required to meet the demand so we can offer a service guarantee.
We are so confident that our meet and greet service is the best that we are prepared to offer a guarantee with our service. So many companies offer meet and greet services and keep their clients waiting. We believe that on the return the car should be delivered back to you at the terminal within 15 minutes and if we fail to do this, we will refund your booking up to 25% refund on your booking for over 30 minutes or 50% refund for more than 60 minutes.