Look out for our uniform

I love meet and greet drivers will always meet you in uniform. It was a founding principle of the company that a uniform not only creates a team approach but more importantly it helps our customer distinguish us from the other operators.
Sarah Anglim, Founder and MD of I Love meet and greet, adds: “Our drivers want to wear a uniform, as they are proud of the brand and it makes their job easier as customers are able to identify them easier on a busy airport forecourt.
Bringing the professionalism and approachability of the I Love brand to the forecourt is crucial as this is the point of service delivery and a uniform is an integral part of that customer service.”
In the medieval era, the first forms of uniforms were badges, which were the easiest and clearest way to denote belonging to a particular group or house and were often used in the royal houses of the era, given the limitations and expenses of garment production. With the advent of fabric and garment technology, textile mass production became possible, giving rise to the use of liveries, the special non-military clothing worn by messengers and servants, tailored to bear the insignia and the colours of their house.
Apparently recorded history on work uniforms indicate that the postmen are among the first designated with occupation-specific apparel. In 1700s Britain, the General Post Office secretary ordered that all the postmen wear a visible brass ticket on their regular clothing.
Today business owners, employees, and customers alike all agree that a well-made work uniform is the mark of true attention to detail, professionalism, and meticulousness that comes from companies that care about their brand.
To see more of our team in uniform visit: https://www.ilovemeetandgreet.co.uk/about-us/our-team/