Meet & greet without the wait

I Love meet and greet is criticising competitors who make their customers wait for more than 15 minutes. Over the past weekend there were customers who had to wait for two hours to have their cars returned to them.
“All airports experience busy times but professional parking companies should be able to manage their workflow to accommodate these peaks” explains Sarah Anglim, manging director of I Love meet and greet, “We guarantee that we will not keep customers waiting for more than 15 minutes if they arrive at their booked times, and for 95% of our bookings we are on the forecourt in less than three minutes.”
There are circumstances such as major airline delays and unforeseen traffic incidents on the road around the airport which can impact on a meet and greet operator’s performance but the issues this weekend were caused by simple incompetence. The operator did not have sufficient manpower to move all the booked cars which in turn created congestion on the forecourts for all airport customers.
Sarah adds: “Managing the level of bookings and then ensuring there is an appropriate level of resource to deliver a good customer service is an essential skill in running a successful airport parking business. There are too many unprofessional companies damaging the reputations of the airport parking industry and the airport.”
An airport meet and greet parking service should have a driver on the forecourt ready to collect the customer’s car and then on the return, have a driver on their way to deliver the customer’s car to them as they come out of the terminal. This is why I Love meet and greet asks customers to call when they are ten minutes away from the airport on the outbound trip and once they have collected their luggage on the inbound leg.
I Love meet and greet’s customer service guarantee will refund bookings up to 25% refund for over 30 minutes wait and 50% refund for more than 60 minutes. More details are available here: