We are open on Christmas Day (and New Year’s too)

I love meet and greet drivers are part of the 3.3 % of the UK’s workforce going to work on Christmas Day.  In 2014, as many as 3.3 per cent of employees worked on Christmas Day, according to the Office for National Statistics – equating to around 1.04 million people slaving away on the national holiday.

“The airports do not close down and, therefore, neither do we,” explains Sarah Anglim, founder and MD of I Love meet and greet, “Whilst most of the country is unwrapping presents and tucking in to their Christmas dinner, our drivers will be on the airport forecourts collecting and delivering cars for our customers.”

The forecast for the Christmas season 2018 is that 7.7% more people will travel and some of these will be flying on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, taking advantage of quieter airports as well as cheaper prices.

Sarah adds: “If you are travelling at any time over the next two weeks, I am sure our drivers would appreciate a friendly, festive greeting and maybe the chance to be included in a seasonal selfie.”

Friday, December 21, 2018

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