Refilling my water bottle at the airport

Water makes up two thirds of our body. It is vital we drink enough fluid to maintain a healthy balance. Many people get dehydrated by not drinking enough fluid or by losing fluids and not replacing them. We are told that we should drink plenty of fluids such as water, diluted squash and fruit juice to stay hydrated. The official advice is to drink regularly throughout the day (at least 6-8 mugs).
But how can you do that at the airport? You could buy several plastic bottles of water but that is not the best options for the planet so with many of us using refillable bottle we have investigated how to stay hydrated at Gatwick and Stansted airports.
The good news is that Gatwick has water fountains available after security in both terminals and all the restaurants and bars will fill bottles for free.
As for Stansted airport, their website states the following:
“We have drinking water fountains and reusable water bottle filling stations across the terminal. You can find them in the following locations:
- International Departure Lounge (toilet area behind Pret A Manger)
- Passport Control
- International Baggage Reclaim (adjacent to Reclaim 9)
- International Arrivals Hall (adjacent to Burger King)
- In the areas of Gates 1-19 and Gates 40-59”
The rule governing what liquids you can carry through security is as follows: All liquids must be in containers of 100ml or less. If your container is over 100ml it is not allowed through security with any liquid in at all. However, you may take an empty water bottle through security and refill it at one of the water fountains or restaurants after security.
If you have not got a water bottle there are several excellent options available – here is a round-up of some of the best available.