TiK-Tok! check your clock this weekend

British Summer Time (BST) starts this weekend at 02:00 on Sunday 30th March. We change the time from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to BST to make better use of natural daylight in the morning. During the summer time, we borrow an hour of daylight from the morning and shift it to the evening to reduce our energy consumption. 2am was chosen as the time which will cause the least disruption.

For travellers, especially those navigating different time zones, this can be a confusing time of year and I Love meet and greet suggests checking all bookings to ensure the correct time is confirmed.  Remember that this change of time moves the UK local time forward so it will affect your flight/arrival time, and also be careful if you are travelling on an early morning flight this Sunday you leave sufficient time to get to the airport.

Fortunately most mobiles now make this change automatically so you can rely on your phone to be correct whatever time of day.

Monday, March 25, 2024

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