Stansted Long Stay Parking
I Love meet and greet and its sister Company I Love park and ride provide long stay parking options at Stansted airport. Usually classed as Long stay parking when your trip lastes more than two weeks you can choose from meet and greet or park and ride long stay options.

People who have not used long stay parking at Stansted before can see the answers to our frequently asked questions below
How much is long stay parking at Stansted?
Long stay park and ride is the cheapest way to park at Stasted airport . With prices starting as little as £47 for a week with non flexible long stay options such as Bubble park and ride parking. Meet and greet parking options for long stay parkers starts from £59 for a weeks parking and this includes a forecourt collection.
Where is Stansted Long Stay car park?
Our long stay car park at Stansted is only 1.2 miles from the terminal anda lot closer and quicker than the airports long stay car park with in frequent bus transfers. Our terminal transfer bus costs a total of £5 and is on demand taking less than 5 minutes.
What is the cheapest parking at Stansted?
Bubble parking options are the cheapest long stay parking options at Stansted airport but are non flexible. All full price I Love products are the cheapest on airport fully flexible, long stay parking options.
How close is your long stay parking to the terminal?
Our long stay parking is only 1.2 miles to the termial and convenient and hassle free. Our long stay transfer buses take you to the airport on demand wihtin a few minutes and bring you back from the forecourt just outside the doors.
Who offers the best long stay car park stansted experience?
The I Love Team offer the best long stay car park Stansted exprience. With their car park only 1.2 miles from the terminal and offering meet & greet and park & ride options they cover all parking. In addition to this they rank over 93% for their customer service experience on the web.
Do you have the best Stansted airport long stay parking prices?
Yes - our prices are usually cheaper than anywhere else especially when you book direct and use one of our onthly discount codes. Make sure you subscribe to our offers when you sign up so you can benefit from the best price parking at Stansted