Park and Deliver - one way meet & greet

If you have any concerns about where your car is parked, why not try Park and Deliver before venturing into a full airport Meet and Greet service?

With our one-way meet and greet, you get to see our car park, meet those in charge and still have the prompt professional service we always aim to give.

park and deliver service in operation

What is Park and Deliver?

Park and Deliver is a one-way meet and greet allowing you to drive to our car park, see where we operate, park your car and hop on to our free transfer bus to the terminal forecourt, a little bit like Park and Ride. On your return, your car is brought back to the terminal like a normal meet and greet, ready for you to drive straight home.

At both Stansted and Gatwick, this service operates from car parks situated less than 2 miles from the terminal. It's as near as you can get.

Why use Park and Deliver 

With the bad press around unscrupulous operators, we want to invite those who are a little apprehensive about having their car driven without knowing where it goes to see our car park.  Here are some reasons why you should consider using our Park and Deliver service:

  • It’s cheaper than a full meet and greet
  • Experience a Park and Ride outbound from the car park and meet and greet on the return to the terminal forecourt
  • Located less than 2 miles from the terminals
  • Our service is available at Gatwick and Stansted
  • We only ever use Park Mark secure car parks

We created this service not only to add to our comprehensive range of airport parking options but also to give our customers peace of mind that we will take the best care of their car while they are away. We will always be invested in your needs and have plenty of reviews from happy customers!

Book Airport Park and Deliver with I Love Meet & Greet Today!

If you’re in need of airport parking, look no further than I Love Meet & Greet! Perfect for those who don’t want to do a full meet and greet service, our Park and Deliver at Gatwick and Stansted is a great middle ground. 

Book directly with us online to get the best prices, and look out for our discounts and offers to find the cheapest airport parking available.

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