Our environmental programme round-up

I Love meet and greet is very keen to minimise the impact on our environment and is an enthusiastic supporter of many environmental campaigns. We strongly believe that we all hold a responsibility to look after and care for our planet and as part of our ongoing environmental programme; we have supported many sustainable projects.
Back in May we supported the Great British Bee Count organised by Friends of the Earth and for the whole month the team at I Love meet and greet were counting bees whilst they worked. We very much wanted to do our bit for the great British bee and as our team were driving to and from the airport, parking customers’ cars, we had the ideal opportunity to count and record bees. We even visited the airport forecourt dressed in a bee costume to raise awareness of the British bee plight as numbers of bees around the world decline.
For the last three years we have taken the innovative step of sowing seeds in one of the fields beside our Headquarters at Gatwick Airport. Our office neighbours the runway and the field designated for extra planting is merely yards from the airport boundary. This natural area full of flora and fauna provided us with a great opportunity to take part in the butterfly count through July and August for the Butterfly Conservation.
Trees are one of the most powerful tools our planet has to address global warming both for mitigation and adaptation. Planting trees restores the planet’s natural resources while providing social justice; planting bio-diverse and indigenous forests in tropical countries cools our climate and provides jobs for women enabling them to send their children to school. For the whole month of August for every booking we received, I Love meet and greet donated £1 to WeForest.org who then planted trees on our behalf.
Earlier this year I Love meet and greet proudly sponsored their local school, Ardingly College. A team of students have spent the last three years making a solar powered electric vehicle completely powered by the sun. Last month they became the first European school to ever race and complete the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, a gruelling 3000km solar powered race across the centre of Australia. The whole project was a great example of how school students got involved in raising awareness of environmental issues and sustainable transport.
We are very proud of our efforts to help the environment and to protect this wonderful planet that we work and live in and will continue to support the environment whenever and however we can.
By Sarah Anglim at 6 Nov 2015