Five Tips To Stay Safe While Driving at Night

Now that Autumn has well and truly arrived; the clocks are just about to go back an hour, the days will be getting shorter and the nights longer. Motorists will find themselves driving more in the dark which can pose extra challenges during the winter months. Night blindness, reduced visibility, increased difficulty in judging speed, distance and hazards are all extra factors that should be considered when driving in the dark.
And according to road casualty statistics, 40% of collisions occur in the hours of darkness which is why here at I Love meet and greet, we have put together five safety tips that will help you drive safely in the dark.
Keep your windows clean
Keep your windows both inside and out clean to reduce dazzle and condensation. The slightest bit of grime can impede your vision and increase the glare from oncoming lights; reflections around lights and headlamps can be very off putting and the most common cause is a dirty windscreen. (If you are leaving your car with I Love meet and greet at the airport during the winter months take advantage of our car valeting service which will ensure your car is gleaming when you return from your holiday or business trip).
Make sure your lights work
It is illegal to drive at night without fully functioning front headlights and rear lights. Make sure that all your lights work properly and are clean before setting off on your journey. It is also important that your lights are adjusted correctly to ensure they don’t dazzle other road users. Increasing your visibility by putting your lights on an hour before dusk is also a good habit to get into.
Slow down and don’t get too close
Night-time driving requires slower speeds than daytime driving so reduce your speed. Drive at a speed that enables you to spot hazards and react in a timely manner and don’t drive too closely to the person in front of you. Driving too closely can be quite off putting to the driver ahead especially as your headlights will be brighter the closer you get.
Look away from oncoming lights
Bright lights can disrupt your concentration at night. It is very easy to get distracted by oncoming lights with even realising it. So, try to look away from other lights on the road. If the car behind you has its high beams on, flip your interior mirror to reduce the glare from the headlights behind you.
Stay alert and take breaks
It goes without saying that you shouldn’t drink alcohol and then get behind the wheel of a car and you should also avoid any prescription or over the counter medication that can make you drowsy. If you are feeling tired, stop the car, take a break, grab a quick coffee and have a walkabout. Being fatigued while driving can decrease awareness and make reaction times slower so it is recommended that you should schedule at least one stop every two hours.
By Sarah Anglim at 27 Oct 2017