Gatwick Reboots it Take Off

Gatwick Airport is rebooting. With the re-opening of the South Terminal later this month, Gatwick hopes that by the end of the Summer its capacity will be back to 85% of its 2019 operational levels.
It is two years since the airports oldest terminal was plunged in to darkness as Covid hit. Lights were turned off and the pigeons moved in. The ghost town began. But there is now light at the end of the tunnel as the systems are rebooted and the old girl comes back to life.
As travel has reopened and restrictions eased, people are keen to get away. It is predicted that the demand at Gatwick will increase rapidly over the next few months and all those businesses that effectively had to close for the last two years are coming back to life.
I love meet and greet who continued to deliver their service for the few people that travelled throughout the last two years have now seen it all but never so bad since March 2020. Deserted forecourts are now slowly filling up and they are providing their forecourt service under new licences from Gatwick Airport.
British Airways have opened new competitive routes to take people to the sunshine destinations. They held their ground and didn't abandon the ship when things got tough and their routes to the Caribean have remained as popular as ever.
So come back all and travel through the Uk's second largest airport as she springs back to life
By Sarah Anglim at 10 Mar 2022