Introducing the new and improved Terminal 2 at Heathrow Airport

Yesterday the Queen officially opened Heathrow's Terminal 2.  So after 180 trials and £2.5bn later, the first champagne corks have been officially popped at the new terminal 2 at Heathrow Airport.


On Wednesday 4th June, the first plane had the pleasure of landing into the brand-new terminal after a long flight from Chicago. At I Love Meet and Greet we’ve done our research and are pleased to be able to give you a lowdown on some of the new features of the terminal…

Firstly, let’s just say it’s far from small! To be precise, it’s four  times the size of Buckingham Palace and for those of you who don’t know, the Queen’s home has 775 rooms! The state-of-the-art terminal has 33 shops and 17 restaurants, which include a John Lewis store, a Weatherspoons and a Heston Blumenthal Café in the departures lounge. For the adventurous foodies, you’ll be pleased to know that Heston’s menu is far from average, including tobacco-flavoured cocktails and rose petal ice cream. According to Heston himself, the chef’s knives are chained to the surface and even the walls in the kitchen to abide to the airport’s safety restrictions.

Along with the swanky bars and stores, travellers will also come across a 77-tonne piece of public art from sculptor Richard Wilson. The 70 metres long artwork named ‘Slipstream’ has been inspired by the world of aviation and combines precision engineering and specialised UK craftsmanship. The result resembles a flowing, twisting aluminium form which supposedly reflects an imagined flight path of a Zivko Edge 540 stunt plane. The sculpture will officially be one of the longest permanent sculptures in Europe.

Whilst advancing everything they could when designing the new terminal, the toilets were certainly not left out! According to the BBC, the contemporary loos have been fitted with smart sensors that anonymously count the number of people who use them! Why? To send alerts to cleaners after a certain number of people have entered to prompt cleaning obviously! The data will also be analysed allowing staff to know which toilets are used most often. So next time you nip to the toilet at the airport just take a second to think about the analysis that will follow from your loo stop!

Now onto the important stuff… The Parking! If you’re more concerned by where you’re going to park your car than whether or not your trip to the toilet will be monitored, you needn’t worry. Here at I Love Meet and Greet we are very excited to be able to provide you with a hassle-free start to your Terminal 2 experience by offering you reliable and trustworthy valet parking.

By Sarah Anglim at 24 Jun 2014

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