A Real Pain in the Back!

For someone with back pain, travelling on an airplane can be a nightmare. Research has found that 88% of people experience increased back or neck pain following a flight. Our friends at AXA PPP Healthcare have produced an extremely useful guide sharing some traveller tips on how to manage back pain and prevent pain during the flight when travelling abroad. It also gives some useful tips on keeping healthy on holiday.
The guide explains how sitting upright with support in the small of your back with your feet on the floor will help your posture during your flight, as will walking around as much as possible.
To find out more useful tips and to see the guide in full please visit: https://www.axappphealthcare.co.uk/Muscles---bones---joints/back-pain-flying/?utmsource=flying&utmmedium=redirect&utm_campaign=seo
By Sarah Anglim at 9 Sep 2016