Tips For Travelling With A Baby

For any new parent the prospect of travelling with a young baby for the first time can be a terrifying thought but if you are well prepared and organised, plan your trip, plan for a slower pace and be realistic about what you can do with your time away, travelling with an infant can be a very exciting and rewarding experience.
But it is only natural for any new parent to feel nervous about taking a flight with an infant and travelling with a baby can present some unique challenges especially with the extra equipment you need to take which is why, here at I Love meet and greet, we would like to share with you our top tips for making travelling with a baby as easy and as comfortable as possible.
At what age can a baby can travel?
There are no standard regulations about the minimum age a baby can fly; some airlines specify that a baby must be at least seven days old, whereas other airlines say they must be two weeks old, so it is always best to check with your airline. If your baby is less than two weeks old, you may be asked to provide a letter from your GP stating they are fit to fly.
Don’t forget that your baby will need his/her own passport. If your destination requires a visa, your baby will need one of those too.
Aircraft Seating for Babies
With most airlines, children up to the age of two years old are not required to have their own seat and can sit on the accompanying adult’s knee for the duration of the flight. Some airlines allow you to pay for an additional seat for your baby and you can use an approved, forward facing car seat. If you choose this option, it is advisable to check with the airline what the size of the aircraft seats are as in some cases aircraft seats can be smaller than car seats.
If you are travelling on a long-haul flight you can pre-book a bassinet for your baby which attaches securely to the wall in the front row of the aircraft giving your baby a place to lie down freeing up your arms. There are limited bassinet seats on each aircraft, so it is advisable to reserve this when booking your flights.
Baby Food and Milk
Breastfeeding is by far the easiest food to prepare while you are travelling but you can bring baby food, baby milk and sterilised water all in your cabin bag. The 100ml hand luggage restrictions on liquids does not apply to milk, sterilised water or food for babies as long as the total amount is no more than one litre. Any milk or sterilised water should be in baby bottles and you may be asked to taste it as you pass through security.
Baby Changing Facilities
All airports have baby changing facilities and it is advisable to take advantage of these before boarding your flight as although all planes provide changing facilities, they are usually a drop-down changing table in the toilets, so space is limited.
What should I pack for my baby?
♥ For the flight you should make sure you bring enough baby milk or food, nappies, wipes and at least one change of outfit for both you and your baby. Pack some favourites toys and include a couple of new ones to keep your baby entertained.
♥ Always pack enough food and drink with you in case you are delayed on the journey.
♥ Take sachets of pain relief medication with you in your hand luggage and hold luggage.
♥ A baby sling can be especially useful if you are travelling to places where you are unsure about buggy access. A sling will also come in handy while at the airport and can double up as a changing pad or nursing cover.
♥ A travel cot if your destination does not provide one and it is always useful to pack a sheet and your baby’s blankets as the familiar smell of your laundry will provide a comfort for your baby.
♥ If you are travelling to somewhere hot, make sure your pushchair has a sun canopy and pack a sun cream with a high SPF and a sun suit.
♥ A baby monitor can be useful, but make sure you take a plug adapter if it is relevant to the country you are travelling to.
Airport Security
All carry-on luggage will go through the security X-ray machine including pushchairs which must be collapsed. Even if your baby is sleeping you will be asked to fold down your buggy. Our advice is to always allow a little extra time to go through security or take advantage of the special assistance and family lanes that many airports now have.
How can I keep my baby happy when travelling?
Make sure you are both feeling calm and as rested as you can be. Take your babies food and toys such as rattles, soft toys, teething rings with you and have them handy. Feed your baby during take-off and landing to help deal with the changes in cabin pressure and ear ache, or make sure they have a dummy or clean finger to suck.
Ensure they are drinking enough during the journey; pack a baby bottle filled with cooled boiled water in your hand luggage. Cabin air can be very dry, so your baby may like to sip some water if it’s not time for their feed.
Everyone worries about travelling with a baby but in most cases, parents usually arrive at their destination and wonder what all the fuss is about. Just allow yourself plenty of extra time.
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By Sarah Anglim at 17 Oct 2018