Recognising the importance of Mother’s Day

Sarah Anglim, the Managing Director here at I Love Meet and Greet, is well aware of the significance of Mother’s Day.
While being the first to admit the influence her mother had on her life, Sarah also recognises the importance of her own position as a role model for females looking to make inroads into professions normally associated with men.
Today, Sarah is at the helm of our hugely successful meet and greet parking business which employs 40 people (7 of whom are female), and she is committed to raising awareness of the opportunities available to women in the airport parking industry.
Sarah says her own path was challenging at times but well worth it.
From her career as a barrister, through to the introduction of meet and greet airport parking in the UK in 1984 and the formation of I Love last year, Sarah has recognised the difficulties in starting a business, the obstacles presented along the way and the continued challenges to ensure all meet and greet operators provide a minimum standard of customer service to all. After almost three decades in airport parking Sarah still loves what she does.
As a student parking cars between law lectures, questions such as: “Are you old enough to drive my car or do you know how to drive?” were commonplace, but simply spurred her on to overcome difficulties and reach her full potential – just like her mother anticipated.
Of course, as far back as the 1930s and the inception of NCP, parking has been a typically male arena – but things are changing.
Sarah continues to demonstrate that gender should be no barrier for female entrepreneurs looking to emulate her success, and her strong will, diplomacy and barrister training even helped defend the meet and greet industry in the courts.
But would all of this have been possible without her mother’s guidance?
Sarah Anglim doesn’t think so.
By Stephen at 4 Mar 2013