Save money and guarantee your holiday parking by booking early

A Telegraph article has revealed that British holidaymakers who don’t book their parking solutions ahead of time could be left facing charges of up to £377 a week to park at the airport. That’s not just a whole heap of money, it’s enough to pay for a seven night break in Spain – including flights.
Demand for car parking at airports peaks at certain times of the year such as Easter, May half-term and the summer school holidays. Many airport car parks will be completely full during these periods, leaving the highly expensive short-term car park the only option if you have nothing pre-booked.
So, what can holidaymakers do to secure their space and avoid facing such high rates?
Well, firstly, they can make sure that they book their parking in advance. Research by Which? Magazine, which provided the basis for the article, showed travellers can save up to 365% by doing this.
By looking at the options online early, travellers can also register to receive promotional discounts which are offered on the car park operators' own websites.
Planning your holiday parking early means you can compare the options on offer: do you want to struggle on and off a car park bus? Or do you want the convenience of valet parking?
The valet parking service we provide at I Love Meet and Greet is excellent value for money and is cheaper than you might think. We’ll simply meet you at the airport terminal, take your keys off you and leave you to enjoy your holiday from there.
We’ll take care of the hassle of finding a parking space, and you won’t need to worry about long walks to the airport terminal or a transfer bus – you’ll simply be able to stroll in.
This service works especially well for families who are most likely to be travelling at these ultra-busy times, and no-one wants to start their holiday with parking hassle at the airport.
Booking online means you can get organised for your holiday well in advance of the travel dates, so once you know your flight times have a look at our range of family friendly parking options and reach your own conclusions over whether they’re right for you.
If you’ve never looked before, we think you might be pleasantly surprised!
By Sarah Anglim at 28 May 2013