Top 5 1980s fashion trends

Say what you like about the 80s, but it can never be accused of being drab – and when it comes to fashion trends, it’s hard to find a more infamous decade. From skin-tight leggings, miniskirts and jelly shoes, to fingerless gloves, stone washed jeans and moon boots, the 80s had it all.
This month at I Love Meet and Greet, we’ve taken a trip down memory lane by considering our ultimate 80s playlist and reflecting on our favourite 80s cars. In fact, we’ve been reminiscing fondly about ALL of the things that made the 80s such a great decade.
With this in mind, we’ve compiled our top 5 favourite fashion trends from the decade where an explosion of colour is just what the doctor ordered – but if we’ve missed your preferred choice of 80s fashion, let us know by joining the conversation at Facebook or Twitter.
Shoulder pads
In the 80s, if you wanted your shoulders to look bigger, shoulder pads were your friend. Why? We have no idea! But it was good enough for Jackie Collins and Princess Di, so it was good enough for us!
Leg warmers
Fair enough, the British Isles aren’t the warmest of destinations, but did we really need a piece of clothing specifically designed to heat our legs? Evidently we did – and we loved them!
Enormous earrings
Synonymous with Pat Butcher from EastEnders, the craze for huge earrings took off big time in the 80s. If you didn’t have half a pound of metal hanging from your ears, you weren’t doing it properly!
Ill-fitting tops
Sweaters and t-shirts were apparently only available in XXXL for a time during the 80s. Oversized tops paired with a pair of skin-tight jeans or leggings were essential for the discerning fashionista.
Eye-catching skiwear
Back in the 80s, we were used to dealing with the airport parking needs of skiers heading off to the slopes – and their headbands, cat eye glasses and fluorescent ski suits were enough to turn more than a few heads…
By Sarah Anglim at 4 Apr 2013