Free Photo Editing Apps

Holidays are one of the best times to capture photos and share them with family and friends on social media and smart phones have made taking and sharing pictures very easy. We all want to capture our holiday memories; whether it is of the beautiful scenery in a foreign country you are visiting or of your family and friends with you. The big question is which photo editing app will turn your ph…

By Sarah Anglim at 25 Aug 2015

Entertain Kids Travelling

With the school holidays upon us, the question of keeping the children happy during the journey is on every parent’s mind.  There is the possibility that they will disturb other passengers or become bored, especially during a long flight. However, we at I Love meet and greet have found some quick and easy solutions to travelling with children…

Our main piece of advice is to fi…

By Sarah Anglim at 23 Jul 2015

Expansion Gatwick Airport

With so much publicity and debate regarding the expansion of Gatwick Airport and with the Government’s decision imminent, we wanted to reconfirm why I Love meet and greet support the decision to build a second runway at Gatwick.

The building of this runway to the south of the existing airport would cost £7.8 billion compared with Heathrow’s third runaway which would cost £15.6…

By Sarah Anglim at 12 Jun 2015

Driving Licence Explained

As you may have already seen in the news recently, the UK paper counterpart driving licence for all existing photocard driving licence holders is to be scrapped on the 8th June 2015.

The paper driving licence will no longer be issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) so if you renew or change your address details on your licence after June 8th…

By Sarah Anglim at 27 May 2015

Bit Great British Bee

According to Friends of the Earth our bees are in crisis as they have lost much of their natural habitat in the past 60 years and are under assault from pesticides and intensive farming. The UK has lost a shocking 20 species of bee and a further quarter, are on the red list of threatened species as 97% of our wild flower meadows have disappeared.

Bees pollinate 75% of our crop…

By Sarah Anglim at 14 May 2015

History Gatwick Airport

Gatwick Airport is the second largest airport in the UK flying to 200 destinations and can handle more than 40 million passengers a year. The airport has changed significantly over the last few years and we thought we would take a quick look back at how it all began and some of the history of the airport...

The name, Gatwick itself, dates back to 1241 when Richard de Warwick a…

By Sarah Anglim at 6 May 2015

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